Ari Alibhai gives keynote speech concerning illicit streaming to Eurojust's annual IP Crime conference

Ari Alibhai considers his private prosecution of Flawless at an international forum considering the risks of AI in intellectual property crime.

Generative AI gives criminals a wide range of tools to enhance their illicit business models. The field of intellectual property crime is no exception.

The Intellectual Property Crime (IPC) Project at Eurojust examined ongoing cases and regulation attempts, and released a study that was launched today during a workshop organised at Eurojust by the IPC Project.

The event brought together prosecutors and law enforcement officers from across Europe and the United States to share national practices to tackle the ever-increasing challenges of online piracy and methods to strengthen criminal enforcement.

Ari Alibhai discussed his private prosecution of Flawless the world’s largest-ever prosecution of an illegal streaming network and resulted in five defendants being sentenced to a total of more than 30 years’ imprisonment following their convictions for conspiracy to defraud and associated money laundering offences.

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