Adam King co-authors the Bar Council's response to the Law Commission's third consultation paper on automated vehicle (AV) law - QEB Hollis Whiteman

Adam King co-authors the Bar Council's response to the Law Commission's third consultation paper on automated vehicle (AV) law

Adam King has co-authored the Bar Council's response to the Law Commission’s third consultation paper on automated vehicle (AV) law. 

The response discusses the many complexities of reforming the law to accommodate automated driving systems including: a new scheme of safety regulation; new criminal offences; equality; data issues; and how notions of legal responsibility might be adapted for a new era of transport.

The response by the Law Reform Committee of the Bar Council is to the last stage of the Law Commission’s three-year consultation on AV law.  The Law Commission proposes significant changes to British road transport law to accommodate automated vehicle technologies such as autonomous cars and delivery robots, including new methods of regulating vehicles, assuring safety and attributing civil and criminal responsibility.  The Law Commission’s review of AV law is due to conclude at the end of 2021, with regulation anticpated thereafter.

The response was written by three barristers specialising in AV law; Adam co-authored with Lucy McCormick  of Henderson Chambers and Alex Glassbrook of Temple Garden Chambers.  It can be accessed here.

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