R -v- Foster (Karen)

Anne Whyte KC instructed by the North West Complex Case Unit to prosecute childminder Karen Foster for the killing of a 10 month old child.

The 62-year-old pleaded guilty to manslaughter of Harlow Collinge at Preston Crown Court on 7 June just as her trial was due to commence. Expert evidence demonstrated that Harlow had been violently shaken and had suffered catastrophic injuries as a result, including widespread brain injury and fatal bleeding to his eyes and spine. In addition he sustained a broken breast bone and a pinching style bruise to one of his ears. His mother had been sufficiently concerned about the standards of child care provided by Foster to arrange a new nursery place which tragically she could not take up before Harlow’s death. Foster will be sentenced by Cotter J on 13 June.

New coverage is can be seen here, SkyDaily Mail and BBC

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