R v Cockram & others; R v Wenham & others (2002)

Julian Evans acted as junior counsel in the Millennium Dome robbery, which, if successful, would have been the most valuable (and spectacular) robbery in British criminal history.

From the Guardian
Dome robbery: how it happened

A timetable of events in the attempt to steal £200m worth of diamonds from the Millennium Dome
Monday 18 February 2002 15.09 GMT

December 31 1999
The Millennium Star plays a key role in the Dome's opening celebration on New Year's Eve - at 11.50pm laser beams are directed at the gem which fill the dome with sparkling shafts of light.

September 1 2000
One of the suspects visits the dome with a video camera but is himself filmed by undercover police.

September 7 2000
Dome chairman David James is told by police that there could be a raid and that there are certain "risk days" when it may happen. Undercover officers move in.

November 6 2000
The diamonds are replaced with a set of fake crystal dummies. The dome is put on "a high state of alert" and 90 armed officers are moved into and around the building. The raid was to have taken place on this day but the speedboat skipper who was to have helped the gang escape across the River Thames said the tide was not right and it was postponed for 24 hours.

November 7 2000
The gang tried to steal the diamonds by crashing into the Dome in a bulldozer. In scenes reminiscent of a James Bond film the raiders don gas masks and set off smoke bombs before attempting to remove the diamonds with sledgehammers and a nail gun. Media reports say the dome has at last lived up to its self-styled billing for providing "one amazing day".

November 8 2000
Eight men from southeast London, Kent and East Sussex are charged in connection with the botched raid.

November 13 2000
A ninth man is arrested and charged.

May 27 2001
A further suspect, a 46-year-old London man, is arrested in Spain.

November 8 2001
Six men go on trial at the Old Bailey for the "robbery of the Millennium".

December 4 2001
The jurors at the trial are taken to visit the now empty Dome.

December 10 2001
One of the defendants, Wayne Taylor, 35, of Tonbridge, Kent, is freed after being found not guilty of charges of conspiracy to rob and conspiracy to steal on the direction of Judge Michael Coombe.

February 18 2002
The jury of seven women and five men reach majority verdicts against the defendants after deliberating for nearly seven court days. Four of the men are found guilty of plotting to carry out the robbery.

Raymond Betson and William Cockram are jailed for 18 years each. Robert Adams and Aldo Ciarrocchi get 15 years each. Kevin Meredith, who is cleared of conspiracy to rob but convicted of conspiracy to steal, is jailed for five years.