R v Motin (2013)

Roger Smart led John Lynch and Fallon Alexis in the successful prosecution of a group of highly organised defendants who planned and executed what was described as an "evil, wicked and twisted" attack involving the use of acid upon an innocent mother as she walked her five year old twins back from school.

Motin and Miah had first met when they were serving terms of imprisonment for other offences. Abdul Motin (28) carefully planned the attack; acquiring a car using false details and through his friend Ahad Miah (31) acting as a facilitator, recruited Yannick Ntesa (22) to throw the 100% strength sulphuric acid over the victim's head, resulting in her receiving 16% burns and life-changing injuries.

A painstaking police investigation conducted in large part by former murder team detectives resulted in vast amounts of telephone and cellsite evidence being generated, the review of over 100 hours of CCTV footage and the vehicle that was used in the attack being traced and recovered.

In sentencing the three defendants the trial judge said Motin was motivated by revenge in respect of an earlier attack upon one of his brother's that he blamed upon another member of the victim's family; Ntesa meanwhile was motivated by financial reward.

Motin was sentenced to 16 years imprisonment and Miah and Ntesa to 14 years imprisonment.

Read media report HERE