• ‘QEB are a class set. Their prosecutorial and regulatory experience means they are able to navigate all cases and related cases where unlawful behaviour is alleged and can anticipate their opponents position. They have strength and expertise in depth and breadth from the junior to senior end.' Legal 500 2023
  • ''The set clearly has strength-in-depth in a number of practice areas and a number of genuinely talented barristers in my practice areas of crime and police misconduct.'  Legal 500 2023

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Regulatory Cases

GMC v Dr Elvin (2011)

Rebecca Harris acted for the General Medical Council in the hearing before the GMC's Fitness...

GSCC v Wheeler (2010)

Natasha Tahta acted for the GSC in the Isle of Man First Tier Tribunal Appeal of social worker in...

GMC v Dr S (2010)

Allegations of large scale fraudulent claims for payment made to private insurance companies by a...

GMC v Lawrence (2010)

An eminent psychiatrist accused of abusing his position with a female...

GSCC v Kilduff (2010)

Appeal in the Care Standards Tribunal upholding decision of GSCC to strike a social worker off for...

GMC v Akhtar (2010)

A & E Registrar’s sexually motivated conduct towards scalded patient. Lydia...

Dutton Inquiry (2010)

Alexandra Felix was instructed to assist Timothy Dutton QC in his inquiry into World Class Payment...

GDC v Horn (2010)

Dentist charged with inappropriate prescribing, including self prescribing of dihydrocodeine, and...

GSCC v Angela Turner (2010)

Lydia Barnfather presented the case against a social worker charged with abusive language and...

GSCC v Lansdell (2010)

Social worker who breached of professional boundaries with female services users and use...

GSCC v Shaw (2010)

Landmark appeal decision of CST to remit and appeal on a preliminary issue to the GSCC Conduct...

Baby-Shaking Pathology Dispute Appeal (2010)

Edward Brown QC and Natasha Tatha instructed on behalf of the prosecution....
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