• ‘QEB are a class set. Their prosecutorial and regulatory experience means they are able to navigate all cases and related cases where unlawful behaviour is alleged and can anticipate their opponents position. They have strength and expertise in depth and breadth from the junior to senior end.' Legal 500 2023
  • ''The set clearly has strength-in-depth in a number of practice areas and a number of genuinely talented barristers in my practice areas of crime and police misconduct.'  Legal 500 2023

  • ''They always go out of their way to ensure they provide the best service.' Chambers UK 2023

Regulatory Cases

GDC v Alberts (2022)

Tom Orpin-Massey was instructed by Kasir Ahmed of the GDC to respond to an appeal by the...

PC Q (Thames Valley)

An officer was accused of sexual assault on a colleague and multiple allegations concerning...

PC K [Wilsthire]

This was a complex case representing an officer accused of discriminatory language/behaviour. PC...

PC C [Hertfordshire]

An accelerated hearing for an officer found to have taken part in the taking of intimate images of...

PC L (Thames Valley)

An Officer conducting a hospital watch allowed a prisoner to escape from hospital. There were...

SRA v NR (2022)

Katherine acted on behalf of the Solicitors Regulation Authority Limited in this private...

GMC v ND (2022)

Philip was instructed to defend a GP who faced fitness to practise proceedings after it was...

Nazari v Solicitors Regulation Authority

  Mr Nazari was struck off following a conviction for using a blue badge with intent to...
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