• 'Regularly attract instructions in high-value, complex matters in the field of professional discipline, offering assistance to both claimants and defendants' Chambers UK 2017
  • 'A particularly popular choice for ...  numerous healthcare regulators, for whom they frequently prosecute significant cases' Chambers UK 2017 
  • 'The set also has a growing defendant side practice, and typically acts for medical professionals' Chambers UK 2016

Healthcare Cases

GMC v Akhtar (2010)

A & E Registrar’s sexually motivated conduct towards scalded patient. Lydia...

GDC v Horn (2010)

Dentist charged with inappropriate prescribing, including self prescribing of dihydrocodeine, and...

GSCC v Angela Turner (2010)

Lydia Barnfather presented the case against a social worker charged with abusive language and...

GSCC v Lansdell (2010)

Social worker who breached of professional boundaries with female services users and use...

GSCC v Shaw (2010)

Landmark appeal decision of CST to remit and appeal on a preliminary issue to the GSCC Conduct...

Baby-Shaking Pathology Dispute Appeal (2010)

Edward Brown QC and Natasha Tatha instructed on behalf of the prosecution....

GSCC v Celia-Gail Smith (2010)

Wide scale failings of social worker responsible for care of Children in Need and children on the...

GDC v Dr W (2009)

Selva Ramasamy acted for the GDC in one of the largest cases of NHS fraud taken on by the...

GMC v Dr A (2008)

Joanna Warwick appeared in the General Medical Council on behalf of a Doctor in a review of...

GMC v Dr E (2008)

David Jeremy QC was brought in to lead the prosecution of a hospital consultant who had been...

GMC v Dr Sinha (2006)

Julian Evans presented the case for the GMC against a doctor accused of a series of indecent...
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