Solicitors Regulation Authority v JG (SDT proceedings, 2023-2024). Selva Ramasamy KC for the defence.

The SRA allegations were that the solicitor had, on repeated occasions, used his position of influence and authority in the workplace to create situations in which office relationships, sexual in intent, were initiated and pursued by him. 

Given the senior position the solicitor held within the firm, and the associated power imbalance, it was alleged that his conduct was unacceptable.

In legal argument, Selva’s submissions persuaded the SDT to refuse the SRA’s application to rely on hearsay evidence.

Medical evidence was served as part of the defence case, on the basis that it was directly linked to causation and was a contributing factor to the conduct. The SDT agreed with the defence submissions on this important aspect of the case, finding that the medical evidence was required to assist it in ensuring that the correct level of sanction had been identified, and that it had been right for this evidence to be admitted for this purpose.

An agreed outcome was reached with the SRA, and was approved by the SDT, under which the solicitor was suspended from practice for 24 months, with health related restrictions to be imposed on his return to practice.

Selva was instructed by Julie Norris and Georgia Rose at Kingsley Napley

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