• 'Members continue to appear in groundbreaking trials including LIBOR fixing and money laundering cases' Legal 500 2016
  • 'It is regularly sought out to handle high-profile matters' Chambers UK 2017
  • 'QEB Hollis Whiteman offers an impressive breadth of expertise in financial crime' Chambers UK 2016

Fraud and Money Laundering Cases

West Yorkshire Police v Y (2019)

Challenging an account forfeiture order brought against a Chinese...

R v O (2019)

Kathryn represented a company director charged with several offences related to the fraudulent...

FCA v X Limited

Jason Mansell is currently acting for a financial services company in respect of a large...

Re M

Adrian Darbishire QC is representing an individual in an ongoing major SFO investigation into...

R v Chukwuka & 9 others [2019]

Paul Raudnitz QC represented Emmanual Chukwuka, charged with conspiracy to defraud and conspiracy...

R v A & Others (2019)

Paul Raudnitz QC is instructed to defend an individual charged with operating money exchange...


Rachna Gokani  is acting for a suspect in the SFO’s criminal investigation into a...

Insolvency Service v Mark Nunan

Selva Ramasamy QC acted for an entrepreneur facing criminal allegations of dissipating substantial...

Re: N

Adrian Darbishire QC was instructed by Eve Giles of Allen and Overy in a major SFO...

R v Stanley & Brenya

A fraudster who spent over £100,000 in 20 days and then attempted to resist arrest by using...

R v Alrayssi (2019)

Sean Larkin QC and Katherine Lloyd defended in a private prosecution brought by a casino against a...

SFO v Varley & Others (2019)

Ben FitzGerald successfully defended John Varley, former Chief Executive of Barclays, in the...
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