• 'Its skilled members regularly attract instructions in high-value, complex matters in the field of professional discipline, offering assistance to both claimants and defendants' Chambers UK 2017
  • 'A particularly popular choice for a range of regulatory bodies, such as the BSB, SRA, British Horseracing Authority, Metropolitan Police Service and numerous healthcare regulators' Chambers UK 2017
  • 'Market sources value the set's versatility, praising its ability to offer 'first-class advice and advocacy across a variety of areas"  Chambers UK 2017

Professional Discipline Cases

GMC v AA (2021)

Philip was instructed to defend a doctor who was accused of carrying out inappropriate breast...

GMC v JD (2021)

Philip was instructed to defend a doctor who was accused of theft and possession of controlled...

GMC v SS (2021)

Philip was instructed to defend a doctor who faced fitness to practise proceedings after being...

GMC v BA (2021)

Philip was instructed by the MDU to represent a surgeon in fitness to practise proceedings after a...

Allanson v Solicitors Regulation Authority

  Mr Roger Allanson was found to have dishonestly produced marketing material for a...

GMC v Dr Z (2020)

Selva Ramasamy QC succeeds in abuse of process submission at the MPTS, persuading the MPT that to...

GOC v HR (2020)

The disciplinary proceedings against Honey Rose, the optometrist whose criminal conviction for...

GDC v L (2020)

Selva Ramasamy QC has been instructed to represent the General Dental Council (‘GDC’)...

GMC v Dr x (2019-20)

Selva Ramasamy QC succeeds in abuse of process submission at the MPTS, persuading the MPT that the...

HCPC v AP (2020)

Philip was instructed privately to defend a superintendent radiographer who faced criminal...

GDC v AI (2020)

Philip acted for the GDC in fitness to practise proceedings in a deficient performance case...

ICAEW v R (2020)

Rebecca Harris has been instructed to represent an accountant/ auditor in proceedings with the...
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