• 'For financial crime, the set assures first-class representation.' Chambers UK 2023
  • '‘Good clerks and strong chambers for business crime.‘ Legal 500 2023
  • '‘QEB has some fantastic junior counsel making it one of the strongest all round sets for financial crime.‘  Legal 500 2023

Corporate and Financial Crime Cases

R v Koort & Others (2016)

Tom Baker led Polly Dyer in a £30m money-laundering prosecution at the Central Criminal...

SFO v XYZ (2016)

Zoe Johnson QC and Paul Raudnitz instructed in landmark Deferred Prosecution Agreement case -...

FCA v Bank (2015 to 2016)

Lucy Kennedy successfully completed a lengthy international financial-regulatory remediation...

R v SGV Ltd. (2016)

Adam King represented a Company accused of fraud, Trading Standards offences, and avoiding...

SFO FOREX investigation (2014 - 2016)

Tom Broomfield Instructed as second junior in the investigation into fraudulent trading on the...

Re SG (2016)

Tom Doble acted for an interested party in confiscation proceedings, in which over £4...

R v Shah (2016)

Defending in a serious case involving two pharmacists alleged to have stolen pharmaceuticals for...

R v B (2016)

Sole Counsel representing a person facing 8 counts fraud by false representation and one count of...

R v SS (2016)

Defence of the sales manager of an FCA-regulated payment services provider accused of abusing her...

FCA v Dodgson and Ors (2012 - 2016)

Instructed as disclosure counsel for the Financial Conduct Authority in Operation Tabernula, the...

ICO v X (2016)

Representing the CEO of a national construction company accused of instructing private...
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