• Exceptional for crime and financial services regulation, as well as inquests and inquiries.'  Legal 500, 2023
  • ''Very professional and very efficient, and the actual offices are well laid out to provide privacy and confidentiality to anyone attending.' Legal 500, 2023
  • 'A set with a lot of strength that sets itself high standards. You can rely on everyone here to be clever and committed to the cause'  Chambers UK, 2019

Public Law Cases

General Dental Council v Monibi (2014)

Acting for the GDC in a statutory appeal. (High...

Inquest into the death of Colour Sergeant Horton (2014)

Representing the next-of-kin of Colour Sergeant Martyn Horton, Lance Corporal David Ramsden,...

Inquest into the death of Sgt. Loughran-Dickson (2014)

Lydia represented the interests of the family of Sergeant Robert David Loughran-Dickson who had...

Re B (2014)

Susannah Stevens represented a contractor at an inquest who was facing health and safety breaches...

Inquest of Brian Dowling (2013)

Sean Larkin QC acted in the inquest of the cyclist who was killed on the Mayor of London's...

Inquest into the death of Lance Corporal Foley (2013)

Representing the next-of-kin of Lance Corporal Michael Foley, at an inquest held by HM Coroner for...

Inquest into the death of Sabina Akhtar (2012)

Anne Whyte QC acted for the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police in an Article 2...

Savile Inquiry (2012)

Mark Aldred was instructed by The Police Federation of England and Wales to represent all officers...

Inquest into the death of Lt. Joshua Woodhouse (2012)

Acting pro bono to assist the Royal British Legion, Selva represented the family of Lt. Joshua...

General Dental Council v Bamgbelu (2012)

Resisting an application for an injunction against the GDC. (High...
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