• 'A particularly popular choice for a range of regulatory bodies, such as the…Metropolitan Police Service' Chambers UK 2017
  • 'The set is well respected in the area of police discipline and misconduct and associated matters' Chambers UK 2016
  • 'First-class advice and advocacy across a variety of areas' Chambers UK 2017

Police Discipline Cases

Devon & Cornwall Police v Ps K, Ps K, Pc N, Pc D (2019)

Susannah Stevens and Thomas Coke-Smyth represented three police officers accused of inappropriate...

R v PC x (2018-2019)

R v PC X (Newcastle Crown Court and Court of Appeal Criminal Division, 2018 and 2019)...

PC BB v Police Medical Appeal Board (2019)

Paul Wakerley successfully represented a police officer who argued that the police force’s...

Re: G [2018]

Susannah Stevens successfully represented a senior police officer in police misconduct...

Former PC J v IPCC (2017)

​Susannah Stevens assisted by Nadesh Karu successfully applied for a judicial review of...

R (On the Application of TVP) v PAT & Squire (2017)

Alexandra Felix defended a judicial review application, as an interested party, that concerned the...

Re PC Lane (2016)

Mark Aldred represented PC Lane in which the appeal tribunal rules dishonestly...

Metropolitan Police v PC G (2016)

Acted for the DPS in proceedings before the Police Disciplinary Tribunal and Police Appeals...
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